When the option is activated, it will use one window. To dock the playlist, go to- View > Docked Playlist and make sure that this option is checked. It won’t open a separate window for the playlist. Docked Playlistĭocking a playlist will display it within the main VLC window. Then, songs in the list will be opened and played.
So, use the rest of the file formats for saving your playlist.įor example: If you save the playlist as mylist.m3u, you can open it using VLC Media Player. The HTML file is just for generating a nice list and cannot be opened by VLC for playback. A dialog will open which allows us to browse and save the current list as *.xspf, *.m3u, *.m3u8, and *.html. Just right click and choose the sub-menu Save Playlist to File. Saving or Exporting PlaylistĪfter you have a list set up with all your favorite songs and videos, sorted in the fashion you want it to be, you can export and save it for future playback. We can also click, hold and drag individual items on the list and move them up and down for custom sorting. We can sort by ascending or descending order on the following basis: Just right click and select the sub-menu Sort by. The right-click menu is a star when it comes to sorting the playlist. You can also simply hit the delete or backspace key after highlighting. Then, right-click and choose the Remove Selected option. Just click on one or highlight multiple media files first. Like adding, media files can be easily removed if you no longer want it to be played. It can also stop after one item or will repeat the whole list or even just repeat individual items based on what repeat mode settings have been applied. VLC will continue playing all the items on the list one after the other or in a random way. Once the list is open and all set to go, you can easily play any song on the list. Remember that any new media or playlist that you drag or open will be appended to the end of the current list. We can also simply click, drag and drop media files and playlists on the window and that will add them to the current list. You can easily browse and add any files and folders as per your preference. When you select one of these options, a dialog box will open. Advanced Open: Choose a number of files or folders from your local storage, disc drive, network, and internet or capture devices.One or more than one folder can be selected at one time. Add Folder: It will allow the selection of entire folders.Add File: It will allow selection of one or multiple files inside the same location.To add media files or even playlists, just right-click on the playlist and choose either one of the following options: However, any media files can be added, removed or updated on the list. The current playlist view will display only the current files in your playback queue. Similarly, you can use the increase and decrease under display size to magnify or reduce the size of the items on the current screen. There are four view modes: (1) Icons, (2) Detailed list, (3) List and (4) PictureFlow. Just right click and from the menu that pops up, use the Display Size and Playlist View Mode sub-menus. Once you have accessed the playlist, the size and style of the items in there can be changed. The media files that you currently are playing and those that were added on will be displayed there. The space on the right will display your current playlist. Note: Also notice the menu on the left which can be used to access: The current playlist will open in a separate window. Accessing VLC’s Playlist Featureįrom your VLC player’s main window, use the menubar and navigate to View > Playlist or use the shortcut key CTRL + L. In case of saving, VLC can export your current list into XSPF (*.xspf), M3U (*.m3u) and M3U8 (*.m3u8) formats. VLC supports and can open a number of playlist formats like. The playlists can be saved and opened at any time.
Songs can be added, deleted and the media in there can be sorted as per the preference. Multiple things can be done with a playlist. You can sort out MP3, WAV and other music files along with video formats and add them to a single playlist. VLC Media Player for your desktop/laptop has a playlist feature that allows you to create, organize and play a list of songs/videos.